Friday, 26 February 2010

Final Set Construction Sequence.

Here it is. 4 weeks of work coming together from a collaboration of 10 photography students. Please read below for more details. Make up your own mind on what its about. Enjoy.

Another Mr Toledano.

Another image from Phillip Toledano's Arctic Circle series... Very nice indeed.

It's Nice That.

A friends wonderful blog -heirstoall- led me to this awesome website It's Nice That. Well worth a look. I found this gentlemen on there while browsing earlier. Nice piece of imagery by Phillip Toledano

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Jeff Rich

Garden, North Toe River, Spruce Pine, North Carolina, 2007 — from the series Watershed by JEFF RICH

Wednesday, 24 February 2010


Recommended by a friend...FLAKPHOTO is amazing.. loads of images bundled together selected to be seen by viewers. An awesome idea. First discovery... Etching, Lake Superior, Wisconsin, 2009 by Lisa Robinson

Friday, 19 February 2010

Set Construction

For the last few weeks our year have been divided into 4 groups of 9-10 people to create something very different to what any other photography course does in the UK. We have been working together on a set construction project that involves building a 'room with a view' in a studio, shooting it with large format cameras and destroying it within the space of a few weeks. The projects have to be original and ambitious.

Our group came up with the idea of a conspiracy theorists basement, filled with posters, newspaper cuttings and random old objects. It really is amazing how far we have come in just a couple of weeks of stress, development, joy, arguments, relief and tension. Here is a sneak preview of one of our images from yesterdays shoot.

Thanks to our group - April Chesters, Caitlin Macrae, Dom Doran, Hitomi Yusa, Katie Noonan, Lee Jackson, Matt Caldaralo, Sarah Perkins and Vicky Parker. Also thanks to our model - Andy Banks.

Await time lapse of the past few weeks when its all complete on wednesday...

Wednesday, 17 February 2010


Found a pretty special little place on saturday. Shot on Kodak Portra 160NC 5x4 Sheet Film.